Project Details
Project Overview
Cathedral Place was the subject of a massive fire event. The upper levels and roof of the H Block had caught fire that had spread from a unit fire. The repairs and fire engineering works were comprehensively undertaken with fire safety upgrades to H and G blocks.
The Podium Lobby was assessed with a fire engineering study for egress and Ferm Engineering completed a passive fire amended design for the re-construction to satisfy code provisions. Working with ICPS, Paynter Dixon, the team work to re-establish a safer and functional building to allow occupants back as a fast track approach.
Consequential to these works, Ferm Engineering was engaged for its review of building elements in failure with an understanding of events to prepared expert support and report for the legal services review on the fire. Our technical services are part of the insurers recovery action that is still ongoing. Fire investigation using post fire analysis is included in the work we are performing.