370 Beatty Rd, Archerfield Qld 4108 Australia
(07) 3277 6314


Building Audits

Does your building need a health check? Ferm can check all fire systems, exit and lighting for evacuation, block plans, manuals and logbook reviews. For a comprehensive fire safety check and code audit, Ferm’s skilled team can assist owners and body corporates with compliance.
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Software Modelling

Our design team is experienced in fire systems design and fire engineering modelling using FDS, EVAC, CFAST, HYENA, CAMEL and the NIST range of fire models. We have developed our methodology for assessing structures, steel and concrete in fire. We can support all forms of fire safety analysis.
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Building Design Services

Ferm Engineering can also deal with specialist projects that are outside the scope of a standard fire engineering company. With 30 years in building services, electrical, mechanical, fire protection, fire modelling, standards and code development, we can assist your design and construction team from apartments to tunnels, airports and warehousing.
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Testing & Researching

Having developed passive systems for clients and product suppliers, Ferm is familiar with the ISO and Australian Standards (AS) based fire testing. Our connections will assist your product approvals to where you need them to be. Our staff have more than 15 years with Interflam in fire science, research and experience that not many can offer in Australia.
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Risk Review & Fire Systems Audit

To meet statutory audits and reporting of property fire risk and hazards notification, we can produce fire risk assessment, AS1930 Dangerous Goods requirements to satisfy disclosure reports. Our team can improve fire safety and risk control procedures; develop the risk reduction solutions and special hazard fire suppression methods from local Australian Standards and International NFPA codes.
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Special Hazards

Our specialist knowledge base, experience and research gives us the ability to advise and create awareness of the fire safety risks for special hazards found in industrial and manufacturing facilities. Constant changes in product specifications and performances creates the need for the latest support and design criteria, which in turn requires a tailored risk assessment specifically for each individual project.
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Recent Projects

News & Events

Ferm partner wins major industry award

Endfire Engineering, with which Ferm Engineering is working on fire systems for a huge high-hazard facility in the Northern Territory, ...

CEO joins fire standards committee

Ferm Engineering CEO Steve Burton has again been appointed to an Engineers Australia standards committee that is updating the 2012 ...

Skylight tests in progress

Ferm Engineering is conducting product testing with Danpal Australia on its skylights to ensure they meet Australian fire safety standards ...