370 Beatty Rd, Archerfield Qld 4108 Australia
(07) 3277 6314

Risk Assessment

“Is your building a fire hazard?”

Fire is an unpredictable risk to business and community which requires expert judgment and engineering principles to protect those around us. Work Health and Safety (WHS) and Dangerous Goods with fire potential are regulated by each state and risk assessments are mandatory for licensing and “policy disclosure” to Insurance representatives. We offer our clients technical guidance customised to their projects to eliminate potential hazards and reduce risk as a result of the code and legislative demands in our modern society.

From high piled rack storage, tires, cardboard and plastic recycling, EPS Cladding, Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP), AFFF foam, mining vehicles, kitchen exhaust hoods, we developed our audit and risk review services from established research, industry guides, Insurance Council Australia (ICA), Australian standards and offer realistic measures to manage the hazards. As registered Engineers in this field to meet State compliance, we make that connection easier.

Having analysed the options, we offer a state registered engineer (C10, RPEQ, NER, VBA) to assess the services to implement suitable design solutions, from concept to handover. We want to partner in your business a fire risk mitigation process, enhance maintenance and ensure due diligence is achieved to support your corporate policy requirements on fire safety.

FERM Engineering apply Risk Mitigation strategies from AS/ISO 31000, NFPA, AS4655 every day to assist clients in solving those Hard to Place hazards with Insurance representatives and can liaise with your team in finding a pathway for resolutions on commercial risk and cost.


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