370 Beatty Rd, Archerfield Qld 4108 Australia
(07) 3277 6314

News & Events

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    Ferm expertise in demand

    Ferm Engineering CEO Steve Burton’s passion for fire safety in Australia has led to him being a sought-after speaker at many industry events. At the Australian Insurance Law Association (AILA) national conference in Hobart, Tasmania, on 30 Oct to 1 Nov, he was a member of a panel session...

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    PI availability threatens industry

    Australia’s building industry faces a potential crisis. Building industry professionals are having great difficulty obtaining professional indemnity (PI) insurance in light of mixed reactions across state, territory and federal governments to the building industry’s woes. PI availability is hampered by insurer capacity, high premiums and excesses, and limitations on...

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    Children at risk in fires

    Ferm Engineering has developed evacuation modelling tools for child care and aged care facilities. The egress models will be launched in February 2020 and Ferm Engineering CEO Steve Burton and fire consultant Wayne Blake will present them at an international Society of Fire Protection Engineers conference in New Zealand...

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    QLD Licencing Changes

    Licencing of fire trades and service technicians in Queensland is changing. The QBCC and fire industry are reviewing many of the trade fire licence requirements and the training levels needed to resolve poor on building sites. Stephen Burton is assisting Engineers Australia in their endeavours to get the balance...

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    Fire Protection Services

    We have fire specialists for installing safety systems, designing protection solutions and conducting audit services. Our fire protection services include safety systems and audits andare certified through international standards. Avail our end-to-end fire protection services ranging from design & construction to regular fire safety audits.

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    Fire Fighting Foam AFFF Assessment

    Fire Fighting Foam AFFF assessment and changeover. The Qld State policy has only 12 months to be met for property and industrial operators with AFFF foam. Ferm Engineering has been able to assist many including BMA, BHP, Recochem, to review the AFFF stocks and develop suitable replacements.

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    Cladding ACP Audit

      In the wake of the cladding ACP review by the state governments, Ferm Engineering has specialists in the audit and testing of ACP and combustibility. To safeguard your insurance policy and operations with potentially high fire risk ACP wall systems, contact us for a quote. Ferm Engineering is...

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