370 Beatty Rd, Archerfield Qld 4108 Australia
(07) 3277 6314

News & Events

  • 24

    Hydrant main system tested

    A major Brisbane road thoroughfare was partially blocked on Friday 7 May to enable Ferm Engineering to coordinate and conduct one of the city’s largest fire hydrant and water main system tests. A temporary shutdown of one lane of Kingsford Smith Drive and a smaller street was required to...

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  • 24

    Licensing regime implemented

    The Queensland Building & Construction Commission introduced a new licensing regime for fire safety contractors from 1 May 2021. The new scopes for fire licences were in response to a lack of accountability among service and installation contractors and a consequent lack of consumer confidence in people conducting fire...

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  • 13

    Aged care fire audits

    Ferm Engineering is part-way through a major project to conduct fire safety audits at more than 16 Blue Care aged care facilities around Queensland. Ferm is conducting onsite inspections at some facilities and for others it is preparing audits after reviewing building surveyors’ reports on compliance with the National...

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  • 13

    Sprinklers go rogue

    Ferm Engineering has identified a big increase in sprinkler failure insurance claims. Ferm, along with US industry associations, is researching the causes and currently preparing reports on three failures. Managing Director Steve Burton says the failures are becoming regular occurrences in industrial and commercial buildings, warehouses, high-rise offices and...

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  • 13

    Staff changes at Ferm

    Staff changes are afoot at Ferm Engineering. Fire safety consultant Keith Walton has left the company after 18 years’ service and is embarking on a new business venture. Managing Director Steve Burton thanked Keith for his hard work over so many years and wished him all the best for...

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  • 13

    Industry training in progress

    Ferm Engineering Managing Director Steve Burton is a regular presenter at a range of industry seminars, including for AIBS, Jazcorp Australia ADEB, and CPD Solutions. The most recent was for CPD Solutions on the level of fire safety non-compliance in the building industry and safety in design and sprinkler...

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  • 29

    High-hazard facilities reviewed

    Ferm Engineering is adept at preparing designs and implementing fire safety systems for high-hazard facilities. The team is currently working on three storage facilities in Qld for major companies Quantem, Recochem and Chevron. At Quantem’s Pinkenba site, Ferm Engineering is preparing designs for potential restructuring of the facility’s fire...

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  • 29

    Australian standards under fire

    Are Australia’s standards for protecting buildings in bushfire-prone regions sufficient? Information presented at a 2020 Qld Association of Fire Investigators Inc seminar and findings from insurers and the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (the bushfires commission) suggest not. Ferm Engineering CEO Steve Burton told the seminar the...

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  • 29

    Ferm supports Salvos Appeal

    In 2020, for the third year, Ferm Engineering donated to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal in lieu of sending cards or exchanging gifts. The team donated toys and food hampers, and surpassed its previous financial donations for the appeal. Well done to the Ferm Engineering team for sharing the...

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  • 08

    Ferm expands firepower

    Ferm Engineering has added to its consulting and design firepower with Fire Systems Associate Matt Negrin joining the team. Matt is accomplished in designing sprinkler, hydrant, hose reel and special hazard fire systems, including pumps and tanks. He has more than 17 years’ experience developing detailed sprinkler system construction...

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