370 Beatty Rd, Archerfield Qld 4108 Australia
(07) 3277 6314

Our Team

Ferm Engineering’s personnel are experienced in construction, design and commissioning. The combination of practical implementation and design expertise adds value to clients’ projects.

Ferm follows Engineers Australia’s guidelines and code of ethics for professionalism and sustainable design.

Ferm’s engineering team members have post-graduate engineering qualifications and continually develop and add to their knowledge to ensure excellence in their areas of expertise. Team members bring an extensive knowledge, developed during their diverse working careers to deliver and create innovative building solutions.

We have certified staff qualified to be supervisors with VBA, RPEQ, NER and state/territory accreditation for systems.

Stephen Burton

Steve Burton

Founder/Director Steve’s engineering experience began in mechanical. His turning point into the specialist field of fire engineering was after a major project with Brisbane International Airport. The project created a drive that later inspired him to establish his own engineering consultancy firm – Ferm Engineering Pty Ltd. He has been providing fire and building services since 1988, offering a combination of innovative design research and code development.

Having worked on some complex buildings and developed performance designs, Steve has intimate knowledge of fire and mechanical systems, product testing, test agencies in Australia and overseas, and construction code requirements. He is a passionate, community driven engineer, which is reflected in the business. Ferm Engineering thrives on finding solutions for all clients.

Click here to read Steve's CV

Grant Martin

Fire Safety Engineer Grant has completed a Master of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering Science with a major in Mechanical Engineering and is a qualified… read more

Kieren Quach

Fire Safety Consultant Kieren joined the Ferm Engineering team, and has completed his Master of Engineering Science with a specialty in Fire Safety… read more

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